ARCHIVES August 2019

New publication!

Our new article has been accepted in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Spänig S, Emberger-Klein A, Sowa JP, Canbay A, Menrad K, Heider D: The Virtual Doctor: An Interactive Clinical-Decision-Support System based on Deep Learning for Non-Invasive Prediction of Diabetes, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2019, in press. (Link) Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) will pave the way…


New project is funded!

Our project ISOB: In silico Identifizierungs- und Optimierungsplattform für Biologics has just been granted by the BMWi as a ZIM project. The partners are NanoTemper Technologies GmbH, Dynamic Biosensors GmbH, and the Philipps-University of Marburg. Abstract (German) Das Konsortium beabsichtigt die Entwicklung einer „in silico Optimierungsplattform“ zur wirtschaftlicheren Entwicklung von besseren Wirkstoffen. Dabei ist die…