ARCHIVES September 2023

New publication!

Our new article has been accepted in Journal of Medical Internet Research: Tajabadi M, Grabenhenrich, Riberio A, Leyer M, Heider D: Sharing Data With Shared Benefits: Artificial Intelligence Perspective. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023, 25:e47540. (Link) Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) and data sharing go hand in hand. In order to develop powerful AI models…


New publication!

Our new article has been accepted in Bioinformatics Advances: Schwarz PM, Welzel M, Heider D, Freisleben B: RepairNatrix – a Snakemake workflow for processing DNA sequencing data for DNA storage. Bioinformatics Advances 2023, in press. (Link) Abstract Motivation There has been rapid progress in the development of error-correcting and constrained codes for DNA storage systems…