ARCHIVES Januar 2019

New EU project funded!

Our research project application Die Anwendung von modernen Informationstechnologien in der Neurorehabilitation von Patienten mit erworbener Hirnschädigung (project no. 191) with a total volume of EUR 791,573 has just been granted for the next 3 years. The project was submitted to the european INTERREG V-A call. The lead is done by University of West Bohemia,…


Talks at ECDA

Marta’s, Sebastian’s and Theo’s abstracts have been accepted at the ECDA 2019 and they will give talks on A novel privacy-preserving software framework for federated machine learning in clinical settings and A comparative study on peptide encodings for biomedical classification and Illuminating interactions in microbial lake ecology using General Learning Chain Ensembles respectively.