New publication!
Our new article has been accepted in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Best J, Bechmann LP, Sowa LP, Sydor S, Dechêne A, Pflanz K, Bedreli S, Schotten C, Geier A, Berg T, Fischer J, Vogel A, Bantel H, Weinmann A, Schattenberg JM, Huber Y, Wege H, von Felden J, Schulze K, Bettinger D, Thimme R, Sinner…
New project is funded!
Our project Deep-iAMR: Identification of new antimicrobial resistance targets by high-throughput deep learning has just been granted by the BMBF (031L0209B). The partner in the project is the University of Gießen. Abstract According to the World Health Organization (WHO), antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today.…
New project is funded!
Our project Systems Biology guided Machine Learning in Pharmacogenomics for Predicting Antidepressant Non-Remission In Late-Life Depression has just been granted by the DAAD. The partner in the project is Prof. Daniel Mueller from the University of Toronto. Abstract Late-life depression (LLD), which is the occurrence of major depressive disorder (MDD) in older adults (age ≥60 years),…
Talk by Luis Ceze
Luis Ceze from the University of Washington gave a talk on DNA data storage systems within our MOSLA project meeting at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Marburg.
New publication!
Our new article has been accepted in Frontiers in Genetics: Martin R, Heider D: ContraDRG: Automatic partial charge prediction by Machine Learning, Frontiers in Genetics 2019, in press. (Link) Abstract In recent years, machine learning techniques have been widely used in biomedical research to predict unseen data based on models trained on experimentally derived data.…
New publication!
Our new article has been accepted in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Spänig S, Emberger-Klein A, Sowa JP, Canbay A, Menrad K, Heider D: The Virtual Doctor: An Interactive Clinical-Decision-Support System based on Deep Learning for Non-Invasive Prediction of Diabetes, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2019, in press. (Link) Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) will pave the way…
New project is funded!
Our project ISOB: In silico Identifizierungs- und Optimierungsplattform für Biologics has just been granted by the BMWi as a ZIM project. The partners are NanoTemper Technologies GmbH, Dynamic Biosensors GmbH, and the Philipps-University of Marburg. Abstract (German) Das Konsortium beabsichtigt die Entwicklung einer „in silico Optimierungsplattform“ zur wirtschaftlicheren Entwicklung von besseren Wirkstoffen. Dabei ist die…
Talk at NanoTemper
Dominik gave a talk on machine learning in biomedicine at NanoTemper in Munich.
Women in Science Program
Today 4pm, Prof. Caroline Friedel (LMU) will give a talk on „Deciphering the interplay between virus-induced read-through transcription, RNA decay and loss of transcription in HSV-1 lytic infection“ in the newly established Women-in-Science-Program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Marburg. Room 04A30, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6, 35032 Marburg.
New publication!
Our new article has been accepted in Liver Cancer: Schotten C, Bechmann LP, Manka P, Theysohn J, Dechêne A, El Fouly A, Barbato F, Neumann U, Radünz S, Sydor S, Heider D, Venerito M, Canbay A, Gerken G, Herrmann K, Wedemeyer H, Best J: NAFLD-associated comorbidities in advanced stage HCC do not alter the safety…