New publication!

Our new article has been accepted in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (CSBJ):

Martin R, Dressler H, Hattab G, Hackl T, Fischer MG, Heider D: MOSGA 2: Comparative genomics and validation tools. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2021 Sep 28. (Link)


Due to the highly growing number of available genomic information, the need for accessible and easy-to-use analysis tools is increasing. To facilitate eukaryotic genome annotations, we created MOSGA. In this work, we show how MOSGA 2 is developed by including several advanced analyses for genomic data. Since the genomic data quality greatly impacts the annotation quality, we included multiple tools to validate and ensure high-quality user-submitted genome assemblies. Moreover, thanks to the integration of comparative genomics methods, users can benefit from a broader genomic view by analyzing multiple genomic data sets simultaneously. Further, we demonstrate the new functionalities of MOSGA 2 by different use-cases and practical examples. MOSGA 2 extends the already established application to the quality control of the genomic data and integrates and analyzes multiple genomes in a larger context, e.g., by phylogenetics.

Written by: Heider