BITS 2017
Ulla will present a poster at the BITS 2017 Neumann U, Heider D: Pi/4 -Rotation Method for Feature Subset Selection … and Dominik will give an invited talk. Looking forward to Cagliari!
Ulla will present a poster at the BITS 2017 Neumann U, Heider D: Pi/4 -Rotation Method for Feature Subset Selection … and Dominik will give an invited talk. Looking forward to Cagliari!
Our paper has been accepted in BioData Mining: Neumann U, Genze N, Heider D: EFS: An Ensemble Feature Selection Tool implemented as R-package and Web-Application. BioData Mining 2017, 10:21. (Link) Abstract Background Feature selection methods aim at identifying a subset of features that improve the prediction performance of subsequent classification models and thereby also simplify…
If you are a Masters student in the Marburg/Gießen area, you might be interested in this: We have an open project available as a Masters Thesis, which focuses on DNA sequence classification using recently discovered machine learning approaches such as Random Forests and SVMs with string kernels.
Dr. Kieran Cashin (Burnet Institute / RMIT University, Australia) visited our group for two weeks. This collaboration is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the ATN-DAAD Joint Research Co-operation Scheme.
Currently, we have two open research projects for Bachelor or Master students: One is focused on finding socio-economic factors that impact biodiversity of European lakes based on the lakes GPS information. This project is intended for a Bachelor student. In the other project, the student will automate and adapt methods for the prediction of replication…
Dominik gave a talk on „Bioinformatics for viral quasispecies analyes“ at the Paul Ehrlich Institute in Langen.
Only a few days left until our new (additional) offices will be ready! Looking forward…
We published a new article in Liver International: Anastasiou O, Kälsch J, Hakmouni M, Kucukoglu O, Heider D, Korth J, Manka P, Sowa J-P, Bechmann L, Saner F, Paul A, Gerken G, Baba H, Canbay A: Low transferrin and high ferritin concentrations are associated with worse outcome in acute liver failure. Liver International 2017, in…